B50 Magrath Photos - 2017

The layout started the year with modules being reworked and some went on the road to a show!

Kimbles, 221 and Wabash yard traveled to Menomonie, WI

Menomonie Free-mo setup

Curves getting fitted for fascia

Curves facelift

MN&S Junction all taped up

MNS Junction taped up
MNS Junction taped up

Curves with fascia and throttle plates

Fascia on curve
Fascia on curve

Cork going down on curve module

Corked curve

Layout back together and track is being layed on the curve


Layout back together again

Kimbles Viaduct



Adding soil to MN&S juction


Looking at switch heater for MNS junction

Done with adding dirt to MN&S junction

Done with adding dirt to MN&S junction

Painting asphalt on MN&S junction

Painting asphalt on MN&S junction

Finishing-up-the-asphalt-and-concrete on
MN&S junction

Finishing up roads on MN&S junction

Road update on
MN&S junction

Road update on MN&S junction
Road update on MN&S junction

Getting ready to ballast track on MN&S junction

Getting ready to ballast track on MN&S junction
Getting ready to ballast track on MN&S junction

Ballasting started on
MN&S junction

Ballast started on MN&S junction track
Ballast started on MN&S junction track

Scenery update on Dakaota junction

Scenery update on Dakaota junction
Scenery update on Dakaota junction

Tortoise installed on wedge turnout

Dakota juction wedge with tortoise installed
Dakota junction wedge wiring for tortoise

Ballasting continues on MN&S junction

Ballasting continuing on MN&S junction

5-4 to 5-7-17
Modules on the move again!  Weekend show at Saint Paul Union Depot (SPUD)

Club modules removed
More Club modules removed
Modules being setup Running first trains 5-5-17
Setting up at SPUD
Up and running at SPUD
Brian bringing his Amtrak train into the yard UMTC scrap train approching Dakota Junction
Brian brings amtrak into yard
UMTC scrap train at Dakota junction

Installing wooden ties under the handlaid curved turnout

Adding wooden ties

The first meeting of Fall semester we set up the Progressive rail Airlake modules

Airlake 1
Airlake 2
Airlake 3
Airlake 4

Sam has been working on the MNS Junction scenery

mns junction scenery
MNS junction scenery 2

Ballasting asphalt plant module

Ballasting asphalt plant module

Nokomis mill - wiring track

Nokomis mill - wiring track

More soon!

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